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                About Us

                 Changzhou Wansheng Metallurgical Machinery Co., Ltd.

                    Changzhou Wansheng Metallurgical Machinery Co., Ltd. was founded in Pine Valley in 1985, is a limited liability company, and community leaders at all levels of care and support, has seen rapid development. Plant existing fixed assets of 30 million yuan, 600 million yuan of liquidity. The total factory area of 19,240 square meters, construction area of 12,000 square meters, three machine shop, an assembly shop and a sheet metal shop.
                     Plant employees 95 people, including 5 engineers, economist, accountant 1, 5 technicians, 2 existing CNC milling and turning, milling, boring, grinding, rolling, plug and other equipment, 40 sets of size , with a strong manufacturing and metal processing capabilities, the second steel plant in Shanghai, Shanghai tenth steel mills, iron and steel Co., Ltd. Wuxi Xing, Baoshan Iron and Steel pipe Co., Ltd. Chang, Zhongtian Iron and Steel Group Corporation is one of the fixed-point processing , and Taiyuan Heavy Machinery, Taiyuan through Ze equipment Co., Ltd., China Metallurgical Group and other manufacturers had large non-standard equipment manufacture. Factory objective: customer first, quality first, credit first, and user mapping, design, manufacture one-stop service.